Do you recognise these situations ?
How do you tackle them ?
Your organisation needs business changes in its internal organisation, to remain relevant to its customers.However nobody seems to take up responsibility to get in the drivers’seat and make it happen.
There are many ideas within the organisation to start-up new transformation projects. It is however not clear HOW these projects can be achieved succesfully with the necessary and required support of the employees.
Management seems to lack true impact on your business and is struggling to keep the quality of delivery at the same standard as it used to be.
Collaboration in teams and between teams seems more and more a “fairy tale” ideal. This results in large frustrations about employee engagement and job satisfaction, efficiency of service and ultimately business results
We guide management to develop a performant organisation with a pragmatic, result-oriented perspective, focused on a sustainable impact.
We guide you & your management to increase the business maturity of your organisation and to tackle relevant business changes. We help you on questions like “How do I tackle this ?” or “What is the best thing to do ?”
We connect business questions with the development of leadership and management capabilities. Together we develop effective teams so that the organisational goals are succcesfully achieved.
Our clients appreciate our approach.

Director Program, Teamworkshops, Company events, Management Coaching
“They take the time to really listen to us, to ask pertinent questions and then they propose a program, strongly tailored to our culture, our strategy and the business context of our company.”

Management Coaching on Leaderschip and Team management
“I had doubts about what one could achieve in only 6 sessions (9 hours) – but this ended up being the most stimulating and profitable “training” that I’ve ever had”

Anticancer Fund
Coaching on efficiency and priority management
“After a few sessions, I felt that this was really what I needed. I got more insight in my own role and behaviour. Next to this, I received the right, practical tools to reach my goal. Today the whole team reaps those benefits. “

Management Advice
“During this project, CoachCab quickly understood our organisational dynamics and they challenged us by asking the spot-on questions. “

Methis Consulting
Management workshop
“Thanks to a well-balanced mix of theory and practice, all participants of the workshop have quickly gained a concrete toolkit, that they could use immediately in the day-to-day management of their teams.”

Management Coaching on presentation, communication & leadership building
“During our journey, we always dealt with actual cases. I could always immediately apply what I had been coached on.”
Let us meet!
Do you look for a reflection board? Do you want to exchange thoughts about your challenges and get a fresh view?
Let us sit together to realise the first step towards the fullfilment of your ambitions
De Smet de Naeyerlaan 209, 1090 Brussel (Jette)